New Journeys

I am excited to announce that I am not only embarking on my catholic journey, which has been underway for a few months now, but I am also going down the path of creative enlightenment.  My best friend has purchased  the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron for me, for my birthday.  

I am ready to get the juices pouring, gushing and drowning my brain with ideas.  It's a 12 week process.  Let's see if we can stick to it and most importantly, if it WORKS.  

I had the idea yesterday, speaking with my friend Renee, about how I can't wait for "pirates to be the new vampires".  So, with my lack of knowledge in fictional writing, I am going to try to write a "twilighty" book about current day pirates.  

It may not ever happen.  It's just and idea.  Maybe this 12 week process will help.  I am going to post updates on here, so get ready for some boring posts.  You may want to stay away for the next 12 weeks. I am hoping that I can maybe not half-ass this, like I do most things in my life.  There's that quote about doing many things ok, but nothing really good, something like that.  That's me.  I am trying though, and that's what counts.


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